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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - solid


Связанные словари


 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Middle French, from Latin ~us; akin to Greek holos wholemore at safe  Date: 14th century  1.  a. being without an internal cavity a ~ ball of rubber  b.  (1) printed with minimum space between lines  (2) joined without a hyphen a ~ compound  c. not interrupted by a break or opening a ~ wall  2. having, involving, or dealing with three dimensions or with ~s a ~ configuration  3.  a. of uniformly close and coherent texture ; not loose or spongy ; compact  b. possessing or characterized by the properties of a ~ ; neither gaseous nor liquid ~ waste  4. of good substantial quality or kind ~ comfort: as  a. sound ~ reasons  b. made firmly and well ~ furniture  c. reliable a ~ performer  5.  a. having no break or interruption waited three ~ hours  b. unanimous had the ~ support of the party  c. intimately friendly or associated ~ with the boss  6.  a. prudent; also well established financially  b. serious in purpose or character  7. of one substance or character: as  a. entirely of one metal or containing the minimum of alloy necessary to impart hardness ~ gold  b. of a single color  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. a geometrical figure or element (as a cube or sphere) having three dimensions — see volume table  2.  a. a substance that does not flow perceptibly under moderate stress, has a definite capacity for resisting forces (as compression or tension) which tend to deform it, and under ordinary conditions retains a definite size and shape  b. the part of a solution or suspension that when freed from solvent or suspending medium has the qualities of a ~ — usually used in plural milk ~s  3. something that is ~: as  a. a ~ color  b. a compound word whose members are joined together without a hyphen  III. adverb  Date: 1651 in a ~ manner; also unanimously
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См. в других словарях

  adj. & n. --adj. (solider, solidest) 1 firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid (solid food; water becomes solid at 0°C). 2 of such material throughout, not hollow or containing cavities (a solid sphere). 3 of the same substance throughout (solid silver). 4 of strong material or construction or build, not flimsy or slender etc. 5 a having three dimensions. b concerned with solids (solid geometry). 6 a sound and reliable; genuine (solid arguments). b staunch and dependable (a solid Tory). 7 sound but without any special flair etc. (a solid piece of work). 8 financially sound. 9 (of time) uninterrupted, continuous (spend four solid hours on it). 10 a unanimous, undivided (support has been pretty solid so far). b (foll. by for) united in favour of. 11 (of printing) without spaces between the lines etc. 12 (of a tyre) without a central air space. 13 (foll. by with) US colloq. on good terms. 14 Austral. & NZ colloq. severe, unreasonable. --n. 1 a solid substance or body. 2 (in pl.) solid food. 3 Geom. a body or magnitude having three dimensions. Phrases and idioms solid angle an angle formed by planes etc. meeting at a point. solid colour colour covering the whole of an object, without a pattern etc. solid-drawn (of a tube etc.) pressed or drawn out from a solid bar of metal. solid solution solid material containing one substance uniformly distributed in another. solid state the state of matter that retains its boundaries without support. solid-state adj. using the electronic properties of solids (e.g. a semiconductor) to replace those of valves. Derivatives solidly adv. solidness n. Etymology: ME f. OF solide f. L solidus, rel. to salvus safe, sollus entire ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) твёрдое тело твёрдый, твердотельный 2) сухое вещество; сухой остаток 3) мн. ч. твёрдая фаза раствора 4) массив, целик (угля) 5) набор без шпон 6) полигр. сплошной фон, заливной участок, плашка 7) сплошной (о линии, фигуре) 8) объёмный, трёхмерный 9) телесный (об угле) - solid of revolution - amorphous solid - biological solids - brittle solid - ceramic solids - crystalline solid - dielectric solid - disordered solid - dissolved solids - egg solids - elastic solid - floating solids - fluidized solids - geometric solid - irregular solid - isotropic solid - laminar solid - milk solids - noncrystalline solid - nonlaminar solid - nonsettleable solids - plastic solid - regular solid - settleable solids - settling solids - suspended solids - total dissolved solids - total suspended solids - vitreous solid - whey solids ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  твёрдое тело твёрдый; плотный dissolved solids mixed liquor volatile suspended solids semi-infinite homogeneous isotropic solid suspended solids total dissolved solids ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) заполненный 2) компактный 3) нелетучий 4) непустотелый 5) основательный 6) пласка 7) пространственный 8) сплошной 9) твердое тело 10) твердый 11) телесный 12) физ. тело 13) трехмерный 14) фундаментальный 15) цельнокатаный burn solid fuel — работать на твердом топливе facially regular solid — тело с правильными гранями imperfection in a solid — дефект в твердом теле interstitial solid solution — твердый раствор внедрения locally solid space — локально телесное пространство made solid with — составляющий одно целое с open solid sphere — открытый шар pertaining to solid geometry — стереометрический pinched solid torus — ущемленный заполненный тор second-degree body solid — тело, ограниченное поверхностью второго порядка solid space axes axis — оси пространственной система координат, пространственные оси; пространственная система координат solid space figure — пространственная объемная фигура solid brick setting — тяжелая обмуровка solid carburizing agent — твердый карбюризатор solid circuit filter — твердотельный фильтр solid fuel bitumen — битум твердого топлива solid milling cutter — цельная фреза solid of light distribution — оптика тело фотометрическое solid particles separator — отделитель твердых частиц solid spherical harmonic — шаровая функция solid spherical harmonic function — объемная сферическая гармоническая...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  твердотельная модель SOLID AEROSPACE MACHINING обработка аэрокосмического изделия (непосредственно) по твердотельной модели ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  прил. 1) крепкий, прочный 2) убедительный, веский 3) единодушный - Solid South - by a solid vote - of solid gold - solid firm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) твёрдое тело; твёрдая частичка 2) твёрдый; плотный 3) pl сухой остаток, сухие вещества 4) цельный, сплошной 5) чистый, беспримесный – algal solids ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. физ. твердое тело 2. мат. тело regular solid —- правильное (геометрическое) тело solid revolution —- тело вращения 3. твердая пища no solids to be given to the patient —- кормить пациента только жидкой пищей 4. твердое вещество milk solids —- сухой остаток молока; сухие вещества молока 5. слово, пишущееся слитно, без дефиса 6. ам. сл. закадычный друг 7. авт. массивная шина (также solid tyre) 8. горн. порода, массив (the solid) 9. твердый solid state (food) —- твердое состояние (-ая пища) solid sea —- замерзшее море to become solid on cooling —- затвердевать при охлаждении 10. густой, плотный solid clouds —- плотные облака solid honey —- загустевший (кристаллизованный) мед solid solution —- густой раствор 11. сплошной, цельный, неполый solid ball —- сплошной шар solid wall —- глухая (сплошная) стена solid shot —- воен. болванка, бронебойный снаряд solid tyre —- авт. массивная шина (также solid tyre) 12. сплошной, однородный solid background —- гладкий (однотонный) фон solid colour —- ровный цвет; однотонная окраска (без рисунка) 13. гладкий, без выработки (о ткани, трикотаже) 14. сплошной, непрерывный solid line of defense —- непрерывная линия обороны solid matter —- полигр. набор без шпон 15. пишущийся слитно, слитно написанный solid word —- слитно написанное слово, сложное слово (без дефиса)...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  angle пространственный угол SOLID  1. adj.  1) твердый (не жидкий, не газообразный); solid state - твердое состояние; to become solid on cooling - твердеть при охлаждении  2) сплошной; цельный; solid colour - ровный цвет; solid printing typ. - набор без шпонов; solid square mil. - (сплошное) каре  3) непрерывный; solid line of defence - непрерывная линия обороны; for a solid hour (day) - в течение часа (дня) без перерыва  4) массивный (не полый)  5) прочный, крепкий; плотный, солидный; to have a solid meal - плотно поесть; a man of solid build - человек плотного сложения  6) основательный, надежный; солидный; веский; solid argument - веский довод; solid grounds - реальные основания; a man of solid sense - человек трезвого ума  7) сплоченный, единогласный; solid party - сплоченная партия; the decision was passed by a solid vote - решение было принято единогласно; to be solid for - стоять твердо за  8) пишущийся вместе, без дефиса  9) чистый, неразбавленный; без примесей; solid gold - чистое золото  10) sl. хороший, отличный  11) math. трехмерный, пространственный, кубический; solid angle - телесный/пространственный угол; solid foot - кубический фут to be solid with smb. - быть в милости у кого-л. the Solid South amer. - южные штаты, традиционно голосующие за демократическую партию Syn: see compact  2. noun  1) phys. твердое тело  2) math....
Англо-русский словарь
  (solids) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A solid substance or object stays the same shape whether it is in a container or not. ...the potential of greatly reducing our solid waste problem... He did not eat solid food for several weeks. ? liquid ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. A solid is a substance that stays the same shape whether it is in a container or not. Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures. ...the decomposition of solids. ? liquid N-COUNT 3. A substance that is solid is very hard or firm. The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid... The concrete will stay as solid as a rock. ADJ 4. A solid object or mass does not have a space inside it, or holes or gaps in it. ...a tunnel carved through 50ft of solid rock. ...a solid mass of colour... The car park was absolutely packed solid with people. ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. If an object is made of solid gold or solid wood, for example, it is made of gold or wood all the way through, rather than just on the outside. ...solid wood doors. ...solid pine furniture. ADJ: ADJ n 6. A structure that is solid is strong and is not likely to collapse or fall over. Banks are built to look solid to reassure their customers... The car feels very solid. ADJ • solidly Their house, which was solidly built, resisted the main shock. ADV: ADV with v • solidity ...the solidity of walls and floors. N-UNCOUNT 7. If you describe someone as solid, you mean that they are very reliable and respectable. Mr Zuma had a solid reputation as a grass roots organiser. ADJ c darkgreen]approval • solidly Graham is so solidly consistent. ADV • solidity He had the proverbial solidity of the English. N-UNCOUNT 8. Solid evidence or information is reliable because it is based on facts. We don’t have good solid information on where the people are... He has a solid alibi. ADJ 9. You use solid to describe something such as advice or a piece of work which is useful and...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »FIRM/HARD« having a firm shape, and usually hard  (Even the milk was frozen solid. | After wading through the marshes we were glad to be on solid ground. | solid food (s))  (The baby isn't old enough to eat solid foods yet.) 2 »STONGLY MADE« strong and well made  (good, solid furniture | as solid as a rock (=very solid))  (The frame looks quite flimsy, but in fact it's as solid as a rock.) 3 »VALUABLE WORK« well done and of real practical value  (five years of solid achievement | a good solid education) 4 »DEFINITE FACTS« only before noun based on real facts; definite  (We need some solid evidence to prove our case.) 5 solid basis/foundation a strong principle on which something is based  (Our relationship is built on a solid foundation of mutual trust.) 6 »HONEST AND RESPECTED« respected because you are honest and people can depend on you to behave well  (a respectable solid citizen | a firm with a solid reputation) 7 solid gold/silver/oak etc consisting completely of gold  (a solid gold cup) 8 »NOT HOLLOW« having no holes or spaces inside  (a solid rubber ball | a shrine carved out of the solid rock) 9 »LOYAL« giving loyal support that you can depend on  (a solid supporter of the Clinton administration) 10 »CONTINUOUS« informal without any pauses  (The lecture lasted two solid hours. | five hours/two weeks solid)  (On Saturday I went to bed and slept fourteen hours solid.) 11 »CLOSE TOGETHER« very close together without any spaces in between  (The road was blocked by a solid mass of protesters. | a solid line of traffic stretching away into the distance) 12 »GEOMETRY« technical having length, width, and height; three­dimensional  (A sphere is a solid figure.) 13 »IN AGREEMENT« be solid BrE to be in complete agreement  (The workers are 100% solid on this issue.) + for/agains  (The members were solid against the idea.) - solidly adv  (solidly built) - solidness n ~2 n 1 a firm object or substance that has a fixed shape, unlike a gas or liquid  (Water changes from a liquid to a solid when...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1391, from O.Fr. solide "firm, dense, compact," from L. solidus "firm, whole, entire" (related to salvus "safe"), from PIE base *sol-. Slang sense of "wonderful, remarkable" first attested 1920 among jazz musicians. Solidify is from 1799. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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